On our return flight from Detroit through Seattle and back to Anchorage, last Monday, June the 6th, Patti and I were in the Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) for sixteen (16) very long hours waiting for our Delta Airlines flight from Detroit to Seattle, Washington.
Just in case you did not see what happened last Monday, the below link will give you some idea..
Instead of arriving in the early evening, we missed our connecting flight up to Anchorage, Alaska, and had to overnight (two hours of sleep) waiting for our Tuesday morning flight at 7:30am.
The below photos were snapped as we approached the Seattle Airport (SEATAC) and let us tell you, Seattle sure looked great to our tired eyes.
Yes, more than a few of the below photos are a tad blurry! That is because my own eyes were seeing things just a tad blurry after the long day we experienced getting to Seattle!!
As I write these few words and post these photos, I am still seeing a little blurry. This trip was BRUTAL. Sixteen (16) hours sitting in the Detroit Metro Airport. Now that's BRUTAL!
Ciao4now. Over And Out.
Cap and Patti