Yes, just yesterday, it feels like it was a month ago! I showed several photos of winter in Montana and Arizona.
Because many of you are not able to read our website daily, below is a link to yesterday's Post here on Google Blogspot.
Yesterday, "Montana" Dan from Anchorage, Alaska, was our Guest Contributor.
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Today our first Guest Contributor is none other than.. Taa Daa.. "Denali" Dale from Anchorage, Alaska. We call him "Denali" Dale because Dale has worked up in the Denali National Park for several decades.
So here we go, with a few photos sent to us by Dale, showing a glimpse of winter up in the "Interior" of Alaska.
The first photo is an excellent photo of Mr. Denali (or if you will, Mt. McKinley).
Dale is now going to "Pan" to the left.
For our readers outside of the United States, the idiom "prime the pump" means to encourage or stimulate the initial growth or action of something.
Below are a few photos of the mountains in the Interior that I snapped when I was living up in Manley Hot Springs.