Today, Saturday the 8th of March 2025, was the 17th Annual Crossroads Auto and Bike Show located near SARA Park at the Havasu Highway 95 Speedway.
Yes it does say Auto and Bike show but I totally missed any Bikes that may have been there.
The organizers are the Havasu 95 Speedway and the Calvary Baptist Church here in Lake Havasu City.
The show ran from 9am until closing at 1pm. It is a free event with no charge to visit the venue.
I believe that this is the third time I have visited this particular car show here in Lake Havasu City.
I have several friends who show their cars at this show.
Below are but a few of the 100 or so photos that I snapped.
Yes. Oh Yes. I know. I understand it's not the best way to post them but I am just going to post the below photos as they came out in my download file on my laptop here and NOT in the precise order in which I snapped them.
The above and below photos give you some idea of the size of the crowd.
You can see that the show is really spread out over a fairly large area. The race track is a quarter of a mile in diameter.
And we finish with the below photo of our GMC Suburban Black Beauty so proud to have visited the show.
Patti did not attend the show because of the enormous amount of walking required.
Post Script. I am not positive, but I believe that all the cars are "street legal" and none are towed on trailers to this show. I plan to check this out with friends who show cars.
Below are but four of many show cars that I have seen locally.
There you have the March 8th 2025 Car Show.