Thanks so very much Pamela for your above contribution.
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2025 IS here.
2025 HAS arrived.
New Year’s Day can be a time of optimism, planning, and resoluteness. There’s a feeling that maybe this year we’ll make the changes we’ve been meaning to: more rest, better eating habits, more exercise, or a new job. New Year’s Day is about taking a moment to get ready for everything that is about to unfold.
Happy New Year 2025!
Most historians credit the Roman emperor Julius Caesar with developing the Julian calendar, designating January 1 as the start of a new year. The Gregorian calendar, which many nations around the world use today, arrived in 1582 when Pope Gregory XIII aligned the calendar, not with the moon, but with the earth’s rotation around the sun — marking 365 days.
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How many of you "stayed up" until 12 o'clock midnight to welcome in 2025?
Most Americans stay up for an hour or two after the ball drops.
1,875 pounds, the weight of Time Square’s ball.
360 million, the number of glasses of sparkling wine that are consumed each New Year’s Eve in the U.S.
41% of Americans say New Year's Eve is their favorite holiday, after Christmas, Thanksgiving, and July 4th.
12% the amount of Americans who fall asleep before midnight.
102.1 million the number of people who travel in order to reach their New Year’s Eve destinations.
$1,160 the average price for dinner and entertainment for two in New York City on New Year's Eve.
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New Year's Resolutions.
The Mesopotamians and the Babylonians were among the earliest cultures to mark New Year’s Day as the start of a new year; they came up with the concept of making resolutions. Making resolutions on the first day of the year gave one favor to the gods.
Do you make them?
67% of Americans set resolutions on New Year’s Eve.
More than half of Americans make New Year's resolutions.
Over one third of the Americans who make resolutions, never keep them.
And you?
19% I always make them and keep them.
36% I always make them, but never keep them.
23% I don't make them because I know I will break them.
22% I never make them.
Resolve to lose weight.
Resolve to exercise more.
Resolve to get a new job.
Resolve to eat healthier.
Resolve for personal growth.
Resolve to spend more time with family.
Learn new skill/pick up new hobby.
Drink less alcohol.
Get a raise at work.
Get a new job.
Stop smoking.
Personal growth.
Get into a relationship.
Oh By The Way .. Taa Daa ..
NATIONAL TODAY / NATIONAL DAY CALENDAR.. Are the sources of most, but not 100%, of the information on our various “Days” such as today.
Cap and Patti